- Brand: Miss Etam
- Concept/branding &Visual design
- To engage people
- Visual guidelines for brand
The goal of this campaign was to enlarge customer engagement. And how do you do that? Well just spoil her in the busiest month of the year. Get her to relax and enjoy it. So she’ll remember your brand as the one who cared for her when she was so busy taking care of others. This campain was guided by the title:
The campaign was given a diamond shaped logo because our customer would shine like a diamond.
A couple of examples of campaign actions:
- Advent calendar (5 years ago I was the first person in the online fashion industry to make an advent calendar)
- Styling nights in the shop
- Clutch action in which she could win clothes
for a whole year. - Real life stories from our customers
Amongst others, the advent calendar includes discounts, tips, polls as stated on Facebook and the blog. This also helps improve customer engagement on social media.
Women went banana’s during this action. They could not only win these clutches, but they could also win a year long of free shopping. Note said that an executive at Etam came up with the idea to give away the clutches. I was the one who said: “Why not put an extra prize in it to make the surprise even better:)”. This idea really helped getting customers back on the online channels and in the real life shops. The comments on social became increasingly more positive throughout the month of December.